This readme acompanies the file meta3.INTsnplist.txt. The file contains the summary statistics obtained in a meta analysis of Internalizing problem behavior in 3 year olds. If you use these summary statistics for follow up research please cite: Benke KS, Nivard MG, Velders FP, Walters RK, Scheet PA, Xiao X, Ehli EA, Palmer LJ, Whitehouse AJO, Verhulst FC, Jaddoe VW, Rivadeneira F, Groen-Blokhuis MM, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Davies GE, Hudziak JJ, Lubke GH, Boomsma DI, Pennell CE, Tiemeier H, Middeldorp CM for the EAGLE consortium. A genome-wide association meta-analysis of Preschool Internalizing Problems. Journal of the American Academy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2014;53: 667-676. In the file you will find the following columns: SNP RS number of the SNP A1 Allele A1 A2 Allele A2 meta.effect Effect size Standard error meta.pval P-value Direction Effect direction chr Chromosome pos Position