This directory contains the meta-analysis summary statistics for the GWAS of atopic dermatitis reported in Paternoster et al. 2015. Nature Genetics 47:1449-56. doi:10.1038/ng.3424 The results reported here are the meta-analysis summary statistics for the discovery cohorts (excluding 23andMe) These data are shared under the Non-Commercial Government Licence for public sector information. The details of this licence are available here. Details of this licence (i.e. this file) should also be stored alongside the data. This licence allows use of these data for non-commercial purposes only. We request that any use of these data acknowledges the EAGLE eczema consortium and cites the original manuscript (Paternoster et al. 2015. Nature Genetics 47:1449-56. doi:10.1038/ng.3424) Filename:EAGLE_AD_GWAS_results_2015.txt.gz This file is 11,296,421 rows long (including header) and so we recommend only attempting to open it in software capable of dealing with large file sizes (i.e. not Excel or WordPad). We recommend using file formatting tools in a Linux environment or the statistical programming software R. Note that the file is gzipped and so may require unzipping with 'gunzip' before the file can me loaded into software or the use of 'zcat' to pipe the file contents to other commands. R's read.table command can read .gz files and so does not require you to gunzip before loading the data into R. Description of column headers: rsID rs number or chr:position:[SNP/INDEL] chromosome chromosome number. Chromosome X is coded 23 position position of variant according to Genome Build GRCh37 reference_allele effect allele [A/G/C/T] for SNPs, [I/D/R] for indels other_allele non-effect allele eaf effect allele frequency European_N sample size for the European fixed effects meta-analysis beta log odds ratio for the European meta-analysis se standard error of log odds ratio for the European meta-analysis p.value p-value for the European fixed effects meta-analysis i2 I2 measure of heterogeneity amongst European studies q_p.value Cochran's Q heterogeneity test p-value amongst European studies AllEthnicities_N meta-analysis sample-size: all studies (European & other ethnicities) log10BF log10 Bayes Factor from the MANTRA meta-analysis of all studies