README file Files: 2016-09-06_EAGLE_diarrhoea_d1y.txt: results of the meta-GWAS for diarrhea at age 1y (d1y) 2016-09-06_EAGLE_diarrhoea_dd1y.txt: results of the meta-GWAS for doctor diagnosis of diarrhea at age 1y (dd1y) 2016-09-06_EAGLE_diarrhoea_d2y.txt: results of the meta-GWAS for diarrhea at age 2y (d2y) 2016-09-06_EAGLE_diarrhoea_dd2y.txt: results of the meta-GWAS for doctor diagnosis of diarrhea at age 2y (dd2y) Columns in the files: rsID: genetic variant indentificator (rs number or chr:position:[SNP/INDEL]) chromosome: chromosome position: position reference_allele: effect allele other_allele: non-effect allele eaf: effect allele frequency N: sample size beta: beta coefficient se: standard error p.value: p-value i2: I2 heterogeneity statistic (percentage of variance in the meta-analysis) q_p.value: Cochran's Q heterogeneity test p-value Data was imputed with the 1000G March 2012 refernce panel. Only variants with sample size >5.000 children were included. More details about the data: Bustamante et al. 2016 (PMID:27559109).