Genome-wide association analyses identify new risk variants and the genetic architecture of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis W. van Rheenen et al., Nature Genetics, 2016 To elucidate the genetic architecture of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and find associated loci, we assembled a custom imputation reference panel from whole genome- sequenced ALS patients and matched controls (N = 1,861). Through imputation and mixed-model association analysis in 12,577 cases and 23,475 controls, combined with 2,579 cases and 2,767 controls in an independent replication cohort, we fine mapped a novel locus on chromosome 21 and identified C21orf2 as an ALS risk gene. In addition, we identified MOBP and SCFD1 as novel associated risk loci. We established evidence for ALS being a complex genetic trait with a polygenic architecture. Furthermore, we estimated the SNP-based heritability at 8.5%, with a distinct and important role for low frequency (1 to 10%) variants. This study motivates the interrogation of larger sample sizes with full genome coverage to identify rare causal variants that underpin ALS risk. COLUMN headings DISCOVERY FILE (space-delimited): chr snp bp a1 a2 freq b se p META-ANALYSIS FILE (tab-delimited: chr snp bp a1 a2 freq b se p direction het_I2 het_Chi2 het_p cases controls For more information on Project MinE or possible data updates see: Project MinE is the largest ongoing genetic study into ALS worldwide, striving to include a total of 22,500 whole genome sequenced DNA profiles. To promote broad, transparant and responsible data sharing Project MinE has released the Project MinE Variant Browser and posts summary data of Project MinE manuscripts shortly after publication. Please inform us about your intended use of Project Mine summary data by sending an email to Doing so will help us to keep track of ongoing research initiatives and allow us to facilitate collaboration of researchers, whenever possible. If you would like additional results, please subject a short, informal research proposal. Citations in publications When you report results of data that utilizes publicly available Project MinE data in any way, it is our policy that you: Acknowledge the Project MinE GWAS Consortium by: o Listing the Project MinE GWAS Consortium as a banner co-author OR o Including the following statement in the acknowledgements: The authors would like to thank the Project MinE GWAS Consortium. Cite the relevant publication of the original results. Requests for additional (not publicly available) data Would your project require a subset of the publicly available results or additional information than those that are publicly available, please email a request containing a short, informal description of your project. Upon approval, a file will be delivered in the same format as the publicly available data. In this case, we will ask if the Project MinE GWAS Consortium is properly acknowledged as stated above and in addition, we would appreciate if individual co-authorship is offered to individuals who are involved in facilitating the additional analysis required for such projects Privacy To protect subject confidentiality, we do not release sample allele frequencies.