These files contain the summary meta-analysis data from the CKDGen consortium for the following 10 traits from the Li et al. 2017 publication: eGFRcrea_overall_EA (Nmax=111,666) eGFRcrea_DM_EA (Nmax=14,308) eGFRcrea_nonDM_EA (Nmax=94,677) eGFRcys_overall_EA (Nmax=32,861) UACR_EA (Nmax=31,164) eGFRcrea_overall_AA (Nmax=9,067) eGFRcrea_DM_AA (Nmax=2,162) eGFRcrea_nonDM_AA (Nmax=6,597) eGFRcys_overall_AA (Nmax=4,440) UACR_AA (Nmax=4,387) - EA indicate analyses performed among participants of European ancestry - AA indicate analyses performed among participants of African ancestry - DM and nonDM indicate results from analyses stratified by diabetes status - All other analyses were performed in the overall group (These are .csv zipped files) Within each file, the data are presented as follows: chr,bp_hg19,rsID, allele1, allele2, beta, se, pval, N, 1KG_(EUR/AFR)_MAF, ExAC_(EUR/AFR)_MAF chr=chromosome bp_hg19=base pair position from hg19 allele1=coded allele allele2=noncoded allele beta=beta-coefficient for allele1 (rounded to 2 significant digits) se=standard error (rounded to 2 significant digits) pval=p-value (rounded to 2 significant digits) N=sample size 1KG_(EUR/AFR)_MAF=frequency of the minor allele from the 1000G analyses in European or African ancestry ExAC_(EUR/AFR)_MAF=frequency of the minor allele from ExAC in European or African ancestry The preferred citation is as follows: Li M, Li Y, Weeks O, et al. SOS2 and ACP1 Loci Identified through Large-Scale Exome Chip Analysis Regulate Kidney Development and Function. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017 Mar;28(3):981-994. doi:10.1681/ASN.2016020131. Epub 2016 Dec 5. PubMed PMID: 27920155; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5328154.