Association results of the meta-analysis for intelligence based on 78,308 individuals in 13 cohorts. Columns: Chromosome: chromosome number position: base pair position of the SNP on the chromosome (reported on GRCh37) rsid: SNP rs number ref: effect allele alt: non-effect allele N: sample size MAF: minor allele frequency in UK Biobank Beta: effect size of the effect allele SE: standard error of the effect Zscore: Z-score computed in METAL by a weighted Z-score method p_value: P-value computed in METAL by a weighted Z-score method direction: direction of the effect in each of the cohorts, order: CHIC (consisting of 6 cohorts), UKB-wb, UKB-ts, ERF, GENR, HU, MCTFR, STR/Users/philipjansen/