All summary statistics are from meta-analyses of the fertility phenotypes. To limit the possibilities of identifiability, no sample allele frequencies are provided (the reported allele frequencies are from HapMap2 2 CEU (r22.b36)). We provide results from six separate analyses: 1. Summary data file - AgeFirstBirth_Pooled.txt – Association results (AFB). All cohorts except 23andMe. 2. Summary data file - NumberChildrenEverBorn_Pooled.txt - Association results (NEB). All cohorts except 23andMe. 3. Summary data file - AgeFirstBirth_Female.txt – Association results (AFB), Female only. All cohorts except 23andMe. 4. Summary data file - NumberChildrenEverBorn_Female.txt - Association results (NEB), Female only. All cohorts except 23andMe. 5. Summary data file - AgeFirstBirth_Male.txt – Association results (AFB), Female only. All cohorts except 23andMe. 6. Summary data file - NumberChildrenEverBorn_Male.txt - Association results (NEB), Female only. All cohorts except 23andMe. Each file consists of the following columns: SNPID: SNP rs number. CHR: chromosome number. POS: base pair position. A1: effect allele. A2: other allele. Freq_HapMap: A1 frequency in HapMap2 (CEU). Zscore: Standardized regression coefficient. Pvalue: Nominal p-value of the null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to zero. For additional details, please see the Supplementary Note accompanying Barban et al. (2016). By downloading these data, you acknowledge they will be used for research purposes and that you are in compliance with applicable rules, policies and regulations. Reference Barban et al. Genome-wide analysis identifies 12 loci influencing human reproductive behavior. Nature Genetics.