All summary statistics are from meta-analyses of the EduYears phenotype. To limit the possibilities of identifiability, significant digits for betas and standard errors are limited to three decimal points and no sample allele frequencies are provided (the reported allele frequencies are from the CEU, GBR and TSI populations in the 1000G sample). We provide results from five separate analyses: 1. EduYears_Main.txt – discovery and replication cohorts except 23andMe. 2. EduYears_Main_Women.txt – same as (1) but females only. 3. EduYears_ Main_Men.txt – same as (1) but males only. 4. EduYears_Discovery_5000.txt – all discovery cohorts (including 23andMe). Pruned set of 5,000 SNPs. 5. EduYears_Pooled_5000.txt – all discovery and replication cohorts (including 23andMe). Pruned set of 5,000 SNPs. Each file consists of the following columns: MarkerName: SNP rs number. CHR: chromosome number. POS: base pair position. A1: effect allele. A2: other allele. EAF: A1 frequency in 1000G sample (CEU, GBR and TSI individuals). Beta: Standardized regression coefficient. SE: standard error of beta. Pval: Nominal p-value of the null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to zero. For additional details, please see the SI accompanying Okbay et al. (2016). By downloading these data, you acknowledge they will be used for research purposes and that you are in compliance with applicable rules, policies and regulations. Reference Okbay et al. Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies 74 Loci Associated with Educational Attainment. Nature.