The following files contain the summary statistics of the discovery phase in "Twenty-eight genetic loci associated with ST-T-wave amplitudes of the electrocardiogram" - 2016 in Human Molecular Genetics. ST80_anterior.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz ST80_avr.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz ST80_inferior.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz ST80_lateral.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz ST80_septal.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz Twave_anterior.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz Twave_avr.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz Twave_inferior.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz Twave_lateral.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz Twave_septal.hg18.HapMap.txt.gz ST80 = ST amplitude at 80 seconds Twave = T-top amplitude Septal = ECG lead V1 + V2 Lateral = ECG lead I+ aVL+ V5+ V6 inferior = ECG lead II+ III+ aVF Anterior = ECG lead V3 + V4 + aVL avr = ECG lead aVR CHR = chromosome SNP = rs-id BP = position b36 (HapMap). A1 = effect allele A2 = non-effect allele FRQ = frequencey of effect allele BETA = Beta SE = standard error P = Pvalue N = Sample size Direction = direction in the discovery cohorts (Prevend and Lifelines) Citation: Twenty-eight genetic loci associated with ST-T-wave amplitudes of the electrocardiogram Niek Verweij Irene Mateo Leach Aaron Isaacs Dan E. Arking Joshua C. Bis Tune H. Pers Marten E. Van Den Berg Leo-Pekka Lyytikäinen Phil Barnett Xinchen Wang ... Show more Human Molecular Genetics, Volume 25, Issue 10, 15 May 2016, Pages 2093–2103,