The file SSGAC_EduYears_Rietveld2013_publicrelease.txt contains results from the analyses where the dependent variable is years of educational attainment ("EduYears"). The file SSGAC_College_Rietveld2013_publicrelease.txt contains results from the analyses where the dependent variable is a binary variable for college completion ("College"). Each file consists of the following columns for each SNP and its association to the specified trait based on meta-analysis in Rietveld et al. (2013, Science): MarkerName: SNP RS ID Effect_Allele: The reference allele (meaning that a positive regression coefficient implies that an additional copy of this allele is associated with greater educational attainment, on average.) Other_Allele: The other, non-reference allele. EAF: frequency of the effect allele from the HapMap2-CEU sample. Regression coefficient Beta / OR: effect size of the SNP for the quantitative trait “EduYear” or odds ratio (OR) of the SNP for the binary trait “College”. SE: Standard error of the estimate. Pvalue: Nominal p-value of the null hypothesis that the coefficient is equal to zero, calculated in the combined meta-analysis sample. Researchers are advised to use caution when interpreting the results of strand ambiguious snps.